Thursday, November 20, 2008

Long Past Due!!!!

Well for some time now my mom has been harping on me to post a new blog so that she can stop clicking on mine and realize there is only a nasty picture of puke there! Haha, well the puke stays so I am sorry to anyone who doesn't want to look at it! Just don't scroll down that far! Well, a lot has been going on in my life! God has been doing some huge things in my heart which opened my eyes to a road that was leading nowhere fast! Resulting in nothing but destruction! It has been a rough road that has brought me nothing more than pain and heart ache! To the world I probably looked like I was doing pretty good! But I was failing miserably! My life looked a lot like Proverbs 29:18. Which says where there is no vision, the people perish...... God was not letting me sleep, I couldn't eat, I couldn't even sit through a church service without being pierced to the heart! Let me explain it to you in a way a very wise man did to me so that I could put my mind around it!...... and I quote!

"The verse is literally talking about prophets having visions from God! This was a manner God often used to reveal his mind and plan to the prophets. So, where there is no revelation from God, where God is not communicating or being communicated with and to the people, they, looking for answers to their appetites, drives and needs, end up perishing! literally (again) cast of restraint and run wild resulting in death kinda like a train throwing away it's tracks, thus ...outa control. So, no revelation from God, no direction or understanding and everything is up for grabs, realtionships, sex, lying, cheating, stealing, hatred, gossip. you name it! Nothing is off limits! I, not hearing Gods voice declaring truth, cast off restraint running to my death, as I try and satisfy every appetite I have my own way with everything under the sun."

Which hit me like a ton a bricks! Wow, how blinded by sin I have become, and not even feel any effects! YET! For what you sow, you WILL reap! But I am happy, God has pulled me from my pit of despair and opened my eyes to it! So, this all happened like three weeks ago! So I will fast Forward now to where I am at! I ended up stepping down from the Landscape Company I owned with my brother! I felt God telling me to let it go. I am at peace with that! I am stuck in my apartment lease until may! I have a lot of bills I NEED to pay! But the coolest thing ever is! God, has given peace! Why? Because I have a vision now! I know what I am called to do! Live for God today not tomorrow! Do everything I do to Glorify God! So that is what I am doing now, and its keeping me going day to day! So as I sit here Jobless, not knowing what job I am supposed to do to break these chains that I have enslaved myself to! I sit and wait and call upon the lord! SO HERE AM I SEND ME! AND ITS AN ADVENTURE THAT IS AMAZING!




amanda said...

wow, Scottie! I, like Mom, have avoided your blog due to the puke picture --- but I am so glad I stopped by today.

God is doing amazing things in your life! That was so exciting and encouraging to read, thank you for posting it. I will tell Brad to check it out too, although he may have already--he's not much of a commenter.

We will continue to pray for you as God opens doors and breaks chains. Keep your head high and your heart open!


12-arrows said...

OOPs here it is 9 days later and I found you have posted two new blogs. Yeah! Love you son and so glad that you and God are on the same journey together.