Monday, November 26, 2007

WHats her name?

So last year around this time I was in the dominican Republic on a mission trip. I Was eating in the food court and came accross the most beautiful girl in the World. To bad I didnt even ask her name! I know what in the WORLD was I thinking.. I guess it didnt help I looked like I was a poor boy dressed in rags.. hahah... So what is her name.....Help me find her.... hahahahaha

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Happy get FAT day!

HAPPY get FAT day!!!!! Is what I think about every time around this time of year... You may ask why in the world do you think that?! Well lets just think for a moment, if you can spare a moment. I will take you down a little road I like to travel, called gluttony trail! So here we go on the fat bus! Please fasten your extra large seatbelts and enjoy the ride! Notice on the right you will see the klump family enjoying there rather large feast of fatening foods! And as wee travel on you will see the large I dont know what she is grazing in the field. Ok ok ok enough enough enough.. Gosh this is sick come on people just be a little bit consiencious about your health!!!!!

Loving the maddness!!!


Thursday, November 8, 2007

Cowboy up!

I think its time that we Cowboy up! Yesterday I finally got a hold of a friend of mine who I have been trying to get ahold of for almost two weeks. I was nervouse because he is 59 and has congested heart failure. I met Roger probly 5 1/2 years ago when I worked at flushing township nature park. I was sweeping out the barn one evening and I was bored out of my mind when a gentleman rolled up in his four door f250 powerstroke diesel. I was in awe because I LOVE DIESEL TRUCKS. Probly want one just as bad as I want a girl friend! haha.. Its true. But as I stood in aww admiring his truck he said hello youngster, and that is how are friendship started. From then out he would make sure he would come to the park when I was working to take his walk. It wasnt for about two months after I met him and have been walking with him that I found out he had his heart condition. I didnt really know how to respond to him telling me so it was just alot of mhms and yups if ya know what I mean. Well, after 5 years of hanging out with someone you become pretty good friends, Well Rodger is more than just a friend he is like a grandpa to me. Always checks in to see how I am doing. Makes sure I have a job and I am doing ok financially, always offering me money to come a do work around his house for him. I would rather spend time with him for free and help him around his house and just know that there is people out there who care and just show him the love of christ the best I can. He loves talking about "religouse" things. So that is how I know him. Well Like I said I have been trying to get a hold of him for about two weeks and I couldnt, I stopped by his house probly about a half dozen times his truck hadnt moved his other car hadnt moved and his wifes car was gone. I called his cell phone atleast 4 times a day hoping he would answer. Never did!. Well atleast till yesterday, I told myself I would try his cell one last time befor I started calling hospitals.. It rang which I knew he would answer cause all the other times it went to voice mail. He answered and I was so excited to hear his voice but not recieve the news he was going to tell me. Two weeks ago roger had a stroke at his house, which he refused to go to the hospital that night after piecking himself off the ground five times from his legs giving out. His wife gave him no choice and drug him to the hospital the next morning where as soon as he got there he didnt see day light for atleast 28 hours. He went directly into surgery where he had 5 bipasses done on his heart, two stints put in and about every vein the could harvest to complete this. He pulled through all right but he still has some complications. He has a clot in his heart that there having trouble disolving. and his right leg is probly the size of a large watermelon. I decided to skip class and go see him. I never thought I could make someone so happy just by caring. It really blessed my heart to know that just by showing a little interest in someone that it can bring a lot of joy into someones life. He may be 59 and I may only be 21 but I really found out how important people are to me. Serving people is so much more rewarding than serving yourself. That is the way God planned it out to be but since sin has taken its toll we are so selfish and self centered. I realized how selfish I was when I left the hospital and cried a little on the way home about how we take life for granted. We only have once life to live and one chance to make a diffrence in someones life. I think its time we Cowboy up and really pursue the Rodgers in our life and put all selfish ambishions aside! This is my challenge to you. Grab the reins and ride with me or get your butt out of the saddle! Cause the chase is on!

Loving the madness.


Sunday, November 4, 2007

Sunny Days!

Its been a while since I have last posted so I thought what the heck screw home work and do this instead. Work has been going well and I am excited to have mowing season come to an end!! It will be a little bit of a relief. Its been non stop 50 to 60 hour work weeks since may with maybe a total 5 days off. Wow, I guess thats what a career really is! I do not want to sound like I am complaining because I am so stoked with my job and so blessed to have the opportunity that I do with out a college education!(BOY DO I HATE SCHOOL). Friday me and my chillaen Friend Aldo went out to eat and just chilled. We usually do something once a week. He Cracks me up. Then we went to see American Gangster.. I didnt think it was to GANGSTA tho. Not that many people died. But that is my oppinion. Saturday I slept in and went and worked out with my dad around noon or so. Then that after noon befor the state and michigan, I, Bryan and my Dad went and walked some property that I am interested in buying to really start that new chapter of my life. Wow, is it exciting. We took wenonah with us and had a blast. Right befor we finished walking the 50 acres Dad I and Bry and weny spooked a little fawn. It was so cool to watch it prance throught the tall grass away from us. That night ben and I and Brett were so bored we decided to go and Shine for deer. We only saw about 8 or so but had a blast spending time togeather and just joking with my little brothers. Blake was at a sweet sixteen party so we headed to pick him up at 11 cause that is when you have to stop shining. We pulled into the house where the party was to get one last quick shine in because it was a little befor 11. We saw a deer and it was so scared it was running every where and we all were laughing so hard.. Now its sunday night and after our afternoon richual of survivor we got sick of watching football on TV so Ben, Bry and I and Brett and blake played some football outside and had a blast. Now its dark and only 5:48 and it sucks.. But oh well.. Its been a good weekend and I really cant complain cause I had a blast spending it with my brothers and sisters! This world would suck without family. I couldnt imagine what it would be like not being apart of mine. I am so proud to bear the last name of LUTZ. So many only wish they could have that last name but there is only going to be a handful that can!!!!!
Loving the Madness.