Monday, December 1, 2008


Last night I had the amazing time playing like I was ten again with my "little" brothers in the snow! We got home around 11:45 and decided that Ben and I were going to build a snow fort for all the kids! So we got our snow clothes on and went out with Ox. We had a blast and soon enough we were having so much fun that Bryan had to come join in. We were out for a good Hour and a half atleast, and another half hour of laughing at the bimbo trying to plow the lot across the street! What a joke. it was pretty funny! Man to be ten again and have no worries and just get to play outside with your siblings. What an amazing thing! The memories that were brought back and the memories that were made. Its Christmas! Isnt that what this time of year is all about! Christ beng born, and our love for our family!


David and Casey said...

I was just thinking about the very same thing the other day Scott!! How fun it would be to play in the snow, even get in a snowball fight like the old days. I love it!! Do I smell a family fight comin' on?

12-arrows said...

they sure loved your fort too! Thanks for making it for them and it was cute to hear you three talk about all the fun you had out there! don't ever let go of the little boy in you, its what makes each of you who you are!!!! I love you guys!!!

amanda said...

what a fun time... glad you were able to spend that time together...

I am sure it will be remembered for a long time =)