Sunday, October 5, 2008


So today I just got back from taking Ox for a walk. Its such a beautiful day out! Upon return, I saw that I left my energy drink sitting on my patio.. I wasnt even thinking and took a drinnk! The first one hit the spot, but as I gulped down the second swig, I felt a lump in my throat followed by a sharp pain... I knew I swallowed a stupid bee! So I ran in my apartment and grabbed ox.. I tried making myself throw up but couldnt get it to come.. So I headed over to Dave and Caseys. (my brother and sister in-laws.) when I got there I told them what stupid thing I had done and dave told me to start slamming the water.. I chugged three big glasses and ran into the bathroom where I jammed my fiingers as far down my throat as I could.. I didnt know what a throat felt like, but I do now.. I started to discharge actually propell the vomet into the toilet and out popped this.....
If you look in the upper right corner you will make note of the stupid bee. So now I am doped up and trying not to fall asleep! hahahahaha
P>S I dont know how people can make themself freakin throw up..... WIERDOSSSSSSSSSSSS


Pyzam Family Sticker Toy
Create your own family sticker graphic at

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Running Scared!

Walking through the woods he hears something snap. The kind of sound that sends chills down your back! He turns quickly, and seeks cover behind a fallen log hoping to find enough shelter to keep him out of site! Who are these people that are after me? He ask himself! "I have done nothing wrong!" I just want to be left alone! As he lies there thoughts from the past start to haunt him. Making him weary of what may be to come. Finally mustarding up enough courage, lunging to his feet he makes a mad dash to the clearing.. An old mining shaft is on the westside of where he played as a kid, that he can hide out in for a while. Running scared, heart beating so hard he feels it in his head.. Only a few more steps and he will be safe and sound! Will he make it?

Many times in life we try to stay a few steps ahead of things that haunt us. We try to lock all the skeletons in the closet, hoping that they will be burried enough not to be found... But the fact of the matter is halloween is on its way ad thats when the skeletons come out to play. So during this time of year that is so simple and fun for children. It was not started for Tricks or Treats. So do something good durning this time of year and start to clean your closet by facing your skeletons straight on, so you dont have to be running scared anymore!