Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Living it up

So the past couple of weeks have been pretty crazy, but a lot of fun at the same time. My dog kept excaping from her pen and it was driving me up a wall. I think it bothered my dad more than it did me though. So I needed a break and wound up going to my brother Daves and his wifey Caseys place in mount Pleasant. We had a blast just spending time togeather then going bowling with our big little brother Grant.. Haha have to know grant to understand what I mean big little brother! Then I got the call the my dog was in the pound because she got into the Rite aid store around the corner from my house. I just laughed. But it was to funny $116 later. Oh well she is worth it. We had the most awesome 50th birthday bash for my dad. He was surprised which is a really hard thing to believe. Its hard to surprise that man. Well Sunday rolled around and We did our family thing of watching survivor and hanging out. Then I went and picked up my crazy chillaen friend Aldo and we took the jeep off roading. We covered it top to bottom in mud and had to drive it through the car wash twice and it still wasnt clean. Ok ok ok enough rambling. The funniest thing that happened sunday though was Aldo and I went to see into the wild! Well I left my lights on through the whole movie and My battery was deffenantly dead. So we were pushing my jeep in the parkling lot of the theater at 12:30 in the morning and popped the clutch and we were all. What a night. So have fun reading this and correcting all my mistakes. And enjoy hump day tomarrow!
-Loving The madness