Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Having Some Fun

Well, Today I had the day off of work because I had to go to court.. Things there did not go so well but I really don't care. I decided that when I got home I would take the dogs out to play because we got a fresh covering off snow last night.. We had a blast playing.. Motega doesnt even need a leash he is like a cat and wont stay out from under your feet.. Well here are some pictures I hope you enjoy them!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

the new little bugger and wen-no-nah!

Friday, January 11, 2008

To give, give, give, give..... and never expect anything?

Growing up, I never had very much in the worlds standards. We didn't have all the fancy toys or my parents did not drive the coolest cars. We did not have the biggest house, in fact our house 99.9% of the time has been to small to fit our family. Let me tell you something though. We did have family. Yea, yea, yea. I know what your thinking.... I have a family too. I have a mom and a dad, and sometimes I have two dads and two moms due to our worlds skewed perception of what they call marriage. Well your wrong you do not have a family! That's right, you did not miss read what I said. YOU ARE WRONG. YOU DO NOT HAVE A FAMILY! Yes, I know you want a rebuttal. Well your not getting one. This is my blog. Family, what is it...... What does it look like.... How should one function........
1. Family, what is it- After looking over many definitions of what the word family means I have decided to write my own definition.
Family-"A group of people who are related, whether by blood or share common attitudes, interests, or goals and, frequently, live together in pursuit of the desires God has placed on there hearts!
You see a family has one sound.. You may ask well what do you mean by that... Well, family is very much similar to a band. When all the instruments are fine tuned and playing correctly, the band has one voice... Well I believe the family works the same way.... When everyone in the family is pulling their own weight in whatever form that may be, The family has one sound....

Now let me tell you why I have decided to blog on this topic. Last night around this time, my older brother and I were sitting in his apartment listening to music softly and looking at what we like to call our dreams! We began to talk about jobs, careers, dreams, money, and FAMILY. I looked at my brother Dave and I said to him, "Dude, I wanna be a wild man".. Dave's response was a laugh and then followed by what do you mean.... So I told him. I do not want the normal job, I do not want the 9 to 5 hours. I want my job to be the outdoors... He said, " bro, I know exactly what you mean". After that followed some small talk and other things until on the TV a thing about Alaska popped on. We both instantly were captured at the sight of the rugged Rock bursting forth from under the heavily coated blanket of snow.... We both looked at each other and said, dude I wanna go there so bad!!!!! Then Dave asked me the question,,,, Why do we love the outdoors so freaking much.... With out hesitation I responded........... BECAUSE DAD DOES!!!!! It goes back to that family thing,,,, same interest same goals, same heart beat..... You see Just like my father our whole family loves people, loves the outdoors and loves change...... All due to the simple fact of family..... But you say that doesnt explain why you like what your dad likes... But it does.. You see I also found another definition for family.......
"a group of products or product models made by the same manufacturer or producer" See we all are from the same bi-product.... We all are made in the image of God, and God placed each of us in this FAMILY, because he knew we all had the same interest and goals.... And when we all are doing what we are supposed to be We have one heart beat, and one sound and with that we could conquor any mountain or rugged terrain in our path.......The exhileration of reaching the summit of the tallest peak compares nothing to the thrill of the knowledge and discipline gained by each step of the journey. Most never see the summit for fear of the journey. Join me and my family on every step of our "journey" as we walk through lifes challenges. Our goal like the summit is not in the destination but the challenge and growth we will find in each others company as "iron sharpens iron" and the opportunity of a life transformed by the reality of the path.
I hope you can someday experience a family such as mine!
BEating my BODY